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Finding that perfect rug can make a big difference in your space…here are some of our favorites with a few suggestions.  We love the more simple patterns like a stripe or a zig zag but the mosaic style or a simple floral can be fun too.

1. Keep it simple:  we suggest if there is a pattern…do not pick a pattern with more than two colors.

2. As well the rug does not have to match every color in your color pallet exact. The main rug we chose for the destination nursery space ended up being a darker version than we had planned, we thought it was going to be more of a bright yellow-green.  But it ended up being more of a chartreuse/lime green…we love how well it works in the space.

3. Remember there are no set rules…follow your instincts and do what feels natural and right.  Our best advice for any design project.



1. NY Dot/Gatehouse no. 1  the same rug in our #dreamnurserymakeover  2. Lash Rug/Serena and Lily   2. Awning Stripe/Pottery Barn             4. Jill Rosenwald Fallon Papaya/Pure Home   5.  Pink Crow’s feet/Land of Nod  6. Zig Zag Yellow/Dwell Studio  7. Chevron and On Rug/Land of Nod


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