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Need a pause button!? Please…

So many exciting projects happening all around…I think I’ll blame it on the use of  positive I AM statements!!   A practice I put into play a few years ago…never thought I would say this but the abundance of good things is now a little overwhelming. This is where I like to tell myself that it’s OK to slow down, it’s ok if you don’t get back to those 2oo emails, it’s ok if your house is a mess, it’s ok if you never got out of your pajamas today 🙂  The list could go on and on but the more I look at my to do list of items not getting done the more discouraged I become. Until I realize look how far you have come….look at what you have done, and most important look at what you are doing!  This is not a race, that list will eventually get done!  So I take a step back, and perform what I call a 17 second miracle that changes things immediately…I focus on the positive things of life…giving thanks that I AM organized, energized, and a healthy happy mom to 5 amazing children. They appreciate that I support them in all that they are here to do.  They are my daily reminder of what is most important…which is enjoying the simple things of today with them as these days will go by so quickly!

So today I declare that it’s OK to JUST BE!  Remember there is really no rush for that deadline…at some point or another that list of projects will eventually get done…right!?


Download this  simple Just BE  as a reminder to SLOW down Enjoy today and give yourself a break!  Your doing much better than you think!  xxo

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