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We are excited to include you all in helping us pick the final winner of the Destination Nursery #dreamnurserymakeover!   You may vote up to 10 times a day for each of the semi-finalists, the only thing it requires is that it can only be done ONCE each hour…and you must put your email address in each time you vote…Once you finish voting be sure to visit our Facebook page where you may also LIKE + SHARE  your favorite videos to also help them increase their chance for winning!

  • We will take the total number of votes + face book likes and shares and divide that by 3…the Contestant with the highest average of VOTES, LIKES, and SHARES wins!
  • Voting Ends Friday May 17th at Midnight EST.
  • Winner Announced Saturday afternoon.


#1 Melissa Beck and Baby Eloise

[yop_poll id=”2″] #2 Liz Edwards and Baby Girl Emma

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#3 Shannon Rehlinger  and Baby boy Connor

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#4 Stephanie Chung and Baby Max

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#5 Danaea Hagopeon and Baby Everly

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